Check Out

At the end of the tenancy you will be required to attend a check-out process which will be arranged by Cavendish or the Landlord. It is recommended that you review your inventory at this time to ensure you are returning the property back in the condition you accepted it. The check-out process will comprise a full inspection of the property and contents, any items missing, damaged or otherwise in a different state to the condition at the start of the tenancy will be recorded. If you or a chosen representative cannot attend the check-out, then you may prejudice the opportunity to dispute or explain any deficiencies or defects discovered at the checkout or take any immediate remedial action.


It will be likely that Cavendish hold your deposit and it will therefore be registered with the TDS. For full information on their arbitration scheme visit their website at

You will usually receive your deposit refund within 10 days of your tenancy end date. Please ensure you have advised us of the correct bank details for returning this to you.


You will need to close down your utility accounts as well as changing television licence and advising change of address to your local Council Tax Office. Meter readings will be taken at our checkout but ensure you have a record too.

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